When I'm traveling I always carry my most important items with me in my carry on purse. For me, it's a combination of these are items I couldn't bare to lose so I want to keep them with me, as well as things I just need easy access to. That means I need a purse that is big enough to carry everything I need or want but still is small enough that I'm not dragged down by it or is hard to grab and go with - with that being said, the Suki and Suki woven bags are the perfect size for me when it comes to airport travel. This Holiday I brought my Suki Woven packed full of my carry-on travel essentials.
Carry-on Essentials:
{Not photographed - obviously - my ID, credit cards and cash that are always in my bag.}
{Passport - I'll be getting a new license while traveling so better safe than sorry!}
{Target notebook - I like to carry a notebook around with me for when I think of new ideas or anything I don't want to forget, personally pen and paper is still my favorite way to document things.}
{'New' Nintendo 3DS - always have to have a backup source of entertainment when sitting around an airport.}
{Miss Selby's Soap cherry lip balm}
{Sephora Little Mermaid compact mirror}
{Target/drugstore hair ties}
{Beats by Dre earbuds}
{Nikon D3200 with Nikon 35mm lens}
{Also not photographed but can't go anywhere without my iPhone 6!}
Let me know in the comments below what your carry-on essentials are and I will talk to you all next week when I'm home from Holiday. Happy Thursday!
-Jennifer Nicole